For low carbon buildings, the first choice is always to naturally ventilate or use heat recovery. But noisy facades, connected ductwork and open plan spaces can present acoustic challenges.
About MACH Products
What We Do
Buildings can be complex so we take the time to understand each project’s individual requirements. Based on these findings, we design and manufacture the Honeycomb Attenuator from scratch for each project and test it using MACH Acoustics’ in-house test facilities.
Why MACH Products?
The MACH team has extensive experience working at companies such as JBL, James Dyson and Buro Happold in the past. With degree level qualifications or higher, we are proud of our work and understand the importance of good, effective design.
Honeycomb Attenuator
MACH Products’ Honeycomb Attenuator was designed to overcome the clashes between natural ventilation and acoustics. It helps to achieve a low carbon building design, even in challenging circumstances.
Key Features
The Honeycomb Attenuator is made by cutting a block of acoustic foam into W-shaped tiles. These tiles are tessellated and stacked together to form the product’s shape. Since we do not hold stock, manufacturing is bespoke for each project - at no extra cost.
Its lightweight and flexible nature allows the product to be installed in a number of unique ways. This can be essential when a large unforeseen obstacle needs to be navigated meaning that traditional metal-cased units cannot be used.
Unqiue Application
MACH Acoustics is passionate about all aspects of acoustic design. Every job is unique and presents new challenges. As forward thinking acoustic consultants, we have incorporated the Honeycomb Attenuator into many builds with different techniques, all performing to their required specification and beyond.
Simple Installation
Installation to a duct typically takes less than an hour. The acoustic foam blocks are simply stacked to create the honeycomb formation in the duct, orientated for air flow through the gaps. Since it isn’t a pre-defined size, there are no tight specifications or critical dimensions to build to, so it is bespoke without the cost.
Cost and Space Saving
The fact that the attenuator is supported within the MF metalwork and not on any other structure allows for considerable cost savings. These are not just savings in material costs, but also in installation and labour charges.
Low airflow resistance
Designed for low energy buildings, the Honeycomb Attenuator offers extremely low airflow resistance, with better acoustic performance than conventional designs.
For more information about MACH Products please explore our Brochures, Cases Studies and Youtube videos.