About Services We Provide
We are always happy to provide a quote for our services or simply discuss how the principles in this document can be incorporated into your project, so please feel free to get in contact.
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SAP stands for Standard Assessment Procedure and is a method of calculating the energy efficiency of a dwelling.

Thermal Modelling
Thermal modelling not only helps a building perform at its most efficient, it is also a great cost – saving exercise.

SBEM stands for Simplified Building Energy Modelling and is a method of calculating the energy efficiency of a non-residential building.

MACH Energy provides clean and efficient solution for improving the performance of the façade.

Daylight studies are a requirement for BREEAM, Code for various building types such as schools (BB90).

With multiple members of staff certified PassivHaus designers, we are able to offer a wealth of experience and knowledge to your PassivHaus Project.