About our CPD

Adding Value Through Acoustics
Using the results of our extensive research, improved performance data; acoustic visualisation tools; and guidance information, we show how design teams can maximise low carbon ventilation schemes and the buildings’ overall potential. Using the results of our extensive research, improved performance data; acoustic visualisation tools; and guidance information, we show how design teams can maximise low carbon ventilation schemes and the buildings’ overall potential.
CPD 1: Acoustics in Open Plan Learning and Work Spaces
Noise is often the main obstacle to productivity in open plan learning and work spaces. Yet performance data and guidance on how to design an open space is limited.
Understanding how sound moves into and around an open plan space, or atrium, is essential in order to get to grips with the acoustics of these areas.
This CPD uses modeling tools, visualisations, auralisations, case studies and a wide range of sample design solutions, to inspire and inform architects seeking to create better environments.
CPD 2: Visualisation of Sound
Acoustics can be challenging to grasp because we can’t ‘see’ sound. When assessing a building’s thermal performance, thermal imaging clearly shows the impact of different design solutions.What if we could see how sound behaves how it enters and moves around a building? This CPD takes a ‘David Attenborough approach’ to inspire and inform designers.
We apply clever visuals and creative thinking to explain the unintuitive nature of acoustics. Modeling and visual representations of sound are shown to deliver truly clever, beautiful buildings.
CPD 3: Natural Ventilation on Noisy Sites
The World Health Organisation states that 1 in 3 people are harmed by traffic noise, with 1 in 5 is affected by damaging levels of nocturnal noise.
How can our buildings ensure their occupants’ privacy and comfort without resorting to mechanical ventilation?
Presenting MACH’s latest holistic and inspirational facade design methodology, this CPD demonstrates window and facade designs used to keep out unwanted noise while enabling natural ventilation.
We show that the conflicting demands of acoustics and ventilation can be reconciled in smart, forward thinking architecture and building physics.
CPD 4: Sustainability and Acoustics
This CPD follows MACH Acoustics’ publication ‘Sustainable Acoustics’ and presents lesson learnt from lecturing & studying at University of Bath (MSc in Sustainable Architecture and Phd in “The Visualization of Sound”).
This workshop aims to demonstrate how to take a green, forward thinking approach to all aspects of building acoustics.
Best practice, the latest data as well as useful ‘sustainable rules of thumb‘ are included in this presentation.
An introduction into MACH Acoustics’ Web Based Design Tools is also provided, showing how best to position a building on site, how to minimise levels of embodied energy, select partitions between rooms and so on.
CPD 5: Adding Value
Acoustics play a key role in meeting client expectations and mandatory requirements. Hence acoustics often affect early decision making, build costs and the final enjoyment and satisfaction of a building.
No one wins if a building is mechanically ventilated due to high noise, or if the cost for acoustics are too high due to over specification of acoustic treatments.
This CPD presents the key elements of early work in acoustics design, which add the greatest level of value to a project – whether this is reducing running costs, increasing the building scope, or simply optimising performance constructions in line with costs requirements.
CPD 6: Construction Details
This workshop is aimed at contractors, site managers and architects with site experience.
This CPD starts with an introduction into the physics of acoustics and ends with a range of images highlighting site defects.
The physics of acoustics is demonstrated using intuitive videos and imagery – the aim being to provide an understanding of the ‘how’s’ and ‘why’s’ behind acoustics and in turn, construction details.
Key construction details are then highlighted, from block work details through to service penetrations. To conclude, we look at how to reduce costs on your project by preventing over-design.
CPD 7: Troubleshooting Acoustics In Schools
Having provided acoustic advice to hundreds of educational building across the UK, we are familiar with common acoustic pitfalls and shortcomings that may occur within a school design and can offer advice on how best to avoid them.
Not only do we discuss how to achieve Building Bulletin 93 requirements, but we show the common gaps between compliance and what the school actually expects.
This CPD uses videos and auralisations so you can actually hear what the various ‘dBs’ sound like and how that relates to your school, allowing you to be more knowledgeable and informed when designing the building.
CPD 8: Residential Acoustic Design
This CPD is aimed at architects and contractors who are interested in the acoustic design of residential buildings.
The performance requirements for residential buildings can cause confusion; we will therefore attempt to demystify these requirements.
We will cover various construction methods and look at how we achieve both the minimum performance requirements and up to 8dB above the minimum requirements.
We will also present our newly developed modelling techniques, used to assess the performance of open windows, along with our new collection of web based design tools and how these can be used by our clients to aid the design of residential buildings.